According to to our latest study, around 60 percent of SAP clients are in the midst of their S/4HANA transformation. One in ten companies are still in the preparation phase. Around a third are already operating with the new system, but the majority of these users are dissatisfied with the quality of the results. Insufficiently defined processes, poor documentation and a lack of IT support are just a few of the frequently mentioned problems that top managers face after an S/4HANA transformation.
Once entered the implementation phase, how can you (still) turn things around? And how can the system be improved for further and future requirements even after the actual changeover?
Brief status quo assessment
Managers of transforming companies often get insecure during the course of the transformation as to whether they are following the right course, how they can still achieve their goals and whether they have set the right goals at all. This can be the case, for example, if the top management does not pay attention to the project early enough. Our experience and the study show that it is not uncommon for companies to commit an "act of desperation" and expand the scope even during the transformation. However, this is also the main reason for project deviations, and a sign of lack of transparency and prioritization as well as misjudgments of the organization's capabilities and the required resources.