Dear readers,
The global economy is currently confronted by fundamental, multidimensional and, to a large extent, irreversible change processes that are calling the status quo into question with a vengeance. Is the world facing "deglobalization" or at least "reglobalization"?
Restructuring global economic relations at full speed is currently on the agenda of almost every top manager. This applies to both the supplier side and the sales side. Dependencies must now be minimized to increase resilience and ensure security of supply. New sales markets must be developed. At the same time, the sustainability targets must be kept in mind. These are the current top challenges.
But what is actually happening in international companies right now? What plans are top managers pursuing? On which countries and markets will they focus in the future? In this first edition of our brand-new "Horváth CxO News", we get to the bottom of these questions – in-depth, practice-oriented, and based on an exclusive survey of 150 top managers. In addition, we let board members at renowned companies have their say in personal interviews, and present tangible recommendations and strategies for implementing these fundamental transformations.
Enjoy the read and the exciting insights it will give you!
Best wishes
Helmut Ahr
CEO Horváth