Dear readers,
Sustainability, decarbonization, the circular economy – these are all critical and highly ambitious goals for companies in times of scarce resources, climate change and tightening regulatory requirements. They represent a triple challenge for boardrooms – across industries and globally. But how serious are top managers about sustainability? How ambitious are their goals, what motivations are driving them and what are the resulting strategies? Where do their companies stand in terms of sustainability – and what is the extent of their ambitions? You will find the answers to all these questions in our current cross-industry study "Status quo of the sustainability transformation", involving 180 top executives, which we will present exclusively in the latest issue of our "CxO News".
In addition, we will once again provide some fascinating glimpses behind the scenes at successful, renowned companies and institutes – as well as practical expert recommendations on the way to becoming a leading company in terms of sustainability.
I hope you will enjoy reading – and I wish to thank all our interviewees for their cooperation and openness.
Best wishes
Helmut Ahr
CEO Horváth