Our new branding emphasizes the themes that define us and differentiate us in the marketplace: The pursuit of sustainable success for our clients and our particular strengths, which are reflected in our consulting approach. The focus of our new brand identity is the shortening of our name to Horváth and our new brand mark.
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Brand evolution of Horváth
We have shortened our brand name from Horváth & Partners to Horváth. This is what many of our customers and business partners already call us. We are using the strong brand image and the high level of awareness that we have been able to build up in the market over the years, but at the same time we are making the brand presence more concise by dispensing with the addition of the word "Partners" and the sub-line "Management Consultants" in the logo.

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With this clear and contemporary further development of the Horváth brand, we consistently reflect our mission and aspirations:
Eager to support our clients in transforming their organizations to become unbeatable in a changing world – leveraging our competence in performance management.
Change and transformation are expressed in the new visual look and are reflected in many branding elements: Key visuals, imagery, animations and, of course, the logo.
The revised logo
Our new logo for the umbrella brand is now composed of two elements. The brand mark double rhombus and the word mark HORVÁTH.
With the new brand mark, we use the brand element of the rhombus, which we have already made part of the Horváth brand in various guises over the years. We thus say goodbye to the use of the & sign, which is universally used worldwide, and to the addition of "Partners" and the sub-line "Management Consultants".
Two rhombuses, formed into a double rhombus, symbolize collaboration with our clients and within the Horváth teams. They symbolize dialog and, at the same time, the transition to different states in the sense of transformation.
Digital brand
"Digital first" is more important today than ever before. It was therefore necessary to pay even greater attention to the requirements that a brand needs in the digital age. The design of the digital brand was based on a modular design system, which in turn was inspired by Atomic Design. This means we have the option to make use any scale that may be needed, starting from the smallest unit. In other words, from the smartwatch to large outdoor advertising. The high level of recognition is made possible by the consistent use of brand elements. More creative variety, fewer rules, more interactivity and perfectly harmonizing design elements.

The consistent use of brand elements creates a high level of recognition. This creates a contemporary, flexible look that is suitable for use in a wide variety of digital media. The new double rhombus as a brand mark is a strong element that can also be used flexibly detached from the word mark.
Visualization of our transformation approach

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Our entire transformation approach is built on the foundation of our outstanding core competence in performance management. In addition, our digitalization expertise is a key enabler and at the same time the driver for all types of transformation.

The advantages and strengths of the new brand identity also take effect in the visualization of our approach to consulting. Here, the double rhombus forms the visual anchor for explaining the approach and possible applications around business transformation.
Brand structure

Our umbrella brand becomes an integral part of the overall brand management. The new brand system is the visual blueprint to structure our brands and pave the way for future extensions with sub-brands. To fully leverage the awareness and reputation of the Horváth brand in the future, we use the "Branded House" brand architecture model. Horváth Digital's brand design is the first visible result. This brand structure enables us to ensure consistent and holistic brand management.
Successive implementation
By concentrating on the word mark Horváth, the double rhombus as a strong brand mark and the flexibility as a digital brand, we create a contemporary image with clear recognition and a unique selling proposition. Our brand is simpler and more memorable, but at the same time preserves the prestigious history of the company. The changeover of the brand identity will take place successively in the following months.
Your contact

Oliver Weber
Head of Service Unit Marketing & Communications