Horváth Study

Mastering the AI revolution with a competitive edge - what CxOs need to know now

For our exclusive study, more than 150 executives from companies with an annual revenue of at least 200 million euros and at least 200 employees - across all sectors - revealed the status quo as well as specific plans for activities and investments regarding their AI transformation. The detailed study results can be downloaded in the report above. Here you can find selected first insights:

Keyfact 2

1. How will the budget planned for AI projects or measures in your company change in the coming (fiscal) year? 

30 %

Keyfact 2

2. What measures relating to generative AI are already being implemented or planned in your company? (Top 3)

Using external support to leverage GenAI potential (consulting project)

30 % Already being implemented 45 % Commissioned or planned for 2024

Train managers on GenAI

34 % Already being implemented 39 % Commissioned or planned for 2024

Implement/commission a comprehensive analysis of the utilization potential for the company

26 % Already being implemented 47 % Commissioned or planned for 2024

Keyfact 2

3. How will the increasing use of GenAI solutions affect environmental sustainability?

80 % -3 %

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4. How would you rate your personal knowledge of generative AI?

25 % 60 % 11 % 3 %
  pronounced knowledge   above-average or advanced   basic   rudimentary or no knowledge at all                    

Keyfact 2

5. How high is the proportion of companies where responsibility for the strategy and implementation of GenAI lies with the CEO?

54 % In Germany 30 % In other European countries

Interview with Bernd Wagner, Managing Director of Google Cloud in Germany

"AI-optimized products and services will become commodities – and no company will be able to afford falling behind"

To the interview

Interview with Victoria Ossadnik, COO at E.ON

“AI will play a significant role in mastering the energy transition”

To the interview