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Europe wants to become the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Hydrogen - not grey, but green - is supposed to do the trick. But how? The decarbonization of industrial production is only possible through the complete replacement of fossil hydrocarbons. Climate-neutral hydrogen plays an important role in this. It serves not only as a substitute for fossil energy, but also as a raw material for industrial processes and products. But where should the large quantities of climate-neutral hydrogen come from? Green hydrogen, produced locally from purely renewable energies, e.g. from wind power, cannot meet the demand! It is not only the large industries such as chemicals and steel production that face a major challenge, but the entire value chain in the industry and the wider economy.
Peter Hartl, Head of Chemicals & Oil Transformation at Horváth in Munich, gave a strategic outlook at a web seminar on May 19, 2021 via the CHEManager platform.
- How can hydrogen replace coal, oil and gas in industry?
- What is clean hydrogen? And why is it important for chemicals and steel in particular?
- Why some countries cannot become self-sufficient with hydrogen?
- What are the options for supply? At reasonable cost?
- How can the hydrogen economy build up in Europe?
- What is the relation between hydrogen and circular economy?
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Peter Hartl