White Paper
Finance 2025+
Insights into the finance organization of the future
The transformation of the finance function is not the result of mere happenstance, but rather profound social and economic challenges. For this process of renewal to succeed, a clear goal and the commitment of all stakeholders are essential. In this context, CFOs should not see themselves primarily as a process optimizer, but rather as a driving force and co-designer of the company's success.
In our view, the transformation of the finance function means embarking on an ongoing journey during which the transformation is viewed holistically. It is no longer a question of if, but also when and how. The goal is continuous improvement towards greater intelligence, standardization, end-to-end process orientation, automation, and agility. Together with SAP, we highlight five areas for a successful financial transformation in this white paper:
- The optimized management approach: successful implementation of the corporate strategy
- Greater efficiency thanks to process transformation: the vision of full automation – opportunities and limits
- The sustainability megatrend: innovation driver and cost factor –crucial for the company's success
- The cloud: enabler for standardization
- A methodical approach to change: three guiding principles for a successful finance transformation