Michael Kappes
In times of increasing volatility and uncertainty, continuously updated future forecasts are indispensable for management. With the help of an efficient forecast, you will always have an overview of the current developments in your company and in the market. This enables you to react dynamically to market changes at any given time. We help you to exploit sales and earnings potential faster and better than the competition.
Our experts will assist you in establishing forecasts as a central management instrument. By designing a driver-based process, you can create a high level of transparency and acceptance. This will also integrate information from operational forecasts such as sales planning. The resulting forecast offers you the perfect foundation for modeling scenarios that can be used to define and simulate measures to ensure targets are achieved. Predictive analytics also give you the potential to generate high-quality forecasts in real time. The use of predictive analytics depends on your company's situation and the respective framework conditions, such as data quality or statistical competencies. We will show you when and where predictive analytics can add the most value to your business.
Studies and practical experience show that forecast processes are often poorly designed. In these cases, they impose more burdens on companies and generate no benefit for management. The forecast can be improved by targeted means if it
We will support your profitability with our extensive experience from a multitude of successful projects. With our proven process model, we accompany you on all steps from conception to successful implementation. We realize relatively simple and lean forecast approaches for you. You can also work with data scientists from Horváth Steering Lab to implement more complex analytics models. Please contact us! In close cooperation with you, we will discover an optimal design for your forecasting approach.