Transformation in retail banking
10 theses on the development of the industry until 2035

10 theses on the development of the industry until 2035
Current megatrends and disruptive changes have profound effects on markets, customer behavior, business models and production conditions. The banking industry does not remain unaffected by these developments.
That is why we examined the transformational developments in the time horizon up to 2035 as part of our study “Corporate Transformation in Retail Banking”. In 10 theses we carved out what retail banks have to prepare for and what transformation implications arise from this. The theses are supported by findings from interviews with more than 50 CxOs and strategy managers from banks as well as inspiring quotes and practical examples.
Would you like to find out what other banks are dealing with and what you will have to prepare for by 2035? You can find the extensive results of our study in the results report.