With the Green Deal, the European Union has confirmed the goals of climate neutrality and decoupling economic growth from resource consumption by 2050. The circular economy is key to achieving these aims, as a cross-functional enabler of innovation and sustainability. Our experts will support you in the sustainable transformation of your business model towards circular value creation.
Effectively generate long-term added value
The Green Deal and the global scarcity of resources have a direct influence on companies’ long-term orientation, on a cross-industry basis. Respond decisively by transforming your business model, and generate long-term added value for your customers, investors and employees. By redesigning products on the basis of a “reuse, repair and recycle” principle, you can transform traditional cradle-to-grave processes into cradle-to-cradle processes:
- Reduce material usage in production
- Further utilize by-products and waste as secondary raw materials
- Switch to renewable resource usage
These innovative approaches are key to your competitiveness and resilience. Using our industry expertise, we will help you successfully master your transformation. Together we will develop a strategy and an innovative business model, realign the supply chain, and integrate it into a sustainable performance management system.
Circular economy systems
Using ecosystems as a driver for growth and innovation
The circular economy has long been more than just a compliance issue. Active stakeholders design closed loop value chains on a cross-industry basis, and act in networks. These can be described as ecosystems in which new and diverse value creation opportunities arise for your customers and partners. By actively helping to shape these ecosystems, you can enter new markets and increase your capacity for innovation. We will support you from design to management of ecosystems in the circular economy.

Your Contact

Peter Hartl