Successfully navigating an organization into the future first requires that you define your location. That gives you an orientation from which to set objectives and plan potential paths towards achieving your goals quickly and reliably. That is why the new title of our magazine is “Horváth Directions”. The refreshed content and design offer specific paths and guiding perspectives, with this issue focusing on the digitization of sales. In research conducted by Forsa on our behalf, more than 80% of German decision-makers surveyed stated that digitization has already arrived in key organizational areas; the changes this brings are particularly noticeable in sales. But what does this mean? From the hype of digital transformation, is there a new identity emerging, closer to the principles of Silicon Valley than the distinctively German and European self-confidence that has grown from long expertise? Or does this result demonstrate that the combination of engineering skills, product range and Internet intelligence has advanced further than we think? Working with our customers has shown us that the path to an authentic digital agenda is just as challenging for people as it is for organizations; because on the one hand, expectations for the optimization potential of big data are high, while on the other, inherited silo thinking and established structures stand in the way of using digital sales tools. We are convinced that the profound changes brought by digitization harbor more opportunities than risks. So this issue will be focusing on all facets of digital customer experience management and predictive analytics.
I hope you find this issue informative and enjoyable.
Dr. Michael Kieninger
CEO, Horváth AG
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Digital Customer Experience Management
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