There are three key drivers to mobility budgeting :
- Public Discourse – 94% of EU citizens find it important to protect the environment.
- Driver Legislation/Regulatory Pressure – EU law has prescribed Germany to reduce its emissions not covered by emission trades by 38% of 2005, until 2030.
- Convenience – insured both for the employer and the employee, given the fact that car ownership, especially in urban areas, has considerably decreased over the past few years.
There is, however, resistance to mobility budget adaption, such as the fact that, in order to cater to employees living in suburban/rural areas, transport modality offerings would need to be expanded, leading to a spur in mobility budget adaption.
As seen so far, the market of Urban Mobility is complex, with many layers. In order to achieve a profound understanding of its players, segments and most importantly, potentials, the Urban Mobility Value Chain was created. This implies that all associated aspects have to be accounted for, starting with infrastructure related topics, such as paving roads, and leading up to new, fascinating concepts of seamless, data-driven mobility services, with one single customer interface.
There are four layers, each with an essential value creation pillar: Mobility Ecosystems, Mobility Services, Mobility Assets and last, but not least, Mobility Enablers.
While Mobility Ecosystems consist of players in charge of coordinating and administrating mobility, providing mainly data-driven services, Mobility Services are mainly based on assets, such as shared vehicles or buses. Nonetheless, data is often used to optimize business, as mobility service providers aim to move clients from one place to another.
A rather classic and familiar value is proposed by the third layer, Mobility Assets, as it refers to building vehicles, selling them and thus transferring ownership of the asset to the customer.
Through the fourth layer, Mobility Enablers, the necessary infrastructure is set up and sold or licensed to customers, so that they can own and use it.
It is expected that by 2030, Mobility Ecosystems will have a 21% revenue pool increase, followed by Mobility Enablers with a 20% increase, while Mobility Services are expected to have a 7% increase and Mobility Assets a 5% increase.
Given the fact that a growing market volume is expected for every layer of the Urban Mobility Value Chain, the need for Urban Mobility solutions is growing immensely and, consequently, so is the one for mobility budgeting.
The future is yet to be discovered, so it is highly likely that we will see a completely different mobility market than the current one. Existing and emerging players will have to adapt to the ever-changing market environment and leave room for innovation and progress, with the scope of satisfying the needs of employers, as well as employees.