These days, delivering great experiences to your customers is key!
Show empathy and live up to your company's vision and values by supporting your employees, your customers and local communities. In emotional and stressful times customers are likely to remember who delivered on their promises and stick with those (local) companies who they trust.
Identify where your customer journey might be affected by COVID-19 and proactively communicate implications, offer work-arounds and engage in dialogues with concerned customers. Make sure to align external communication with internal communication and training where necessary.
Promote and scale digital channels now (especially website, app, live chats, phone calls) and adapt your business model if needed (e.g. by including delivery, drive-throughs or other contactless options) – you'll continue to benefit from this as even less online savvy customers (and employees) are now receptive to digital channels and likely to continue using them if they make a great experience.
Engage with your customers directly via via social media (e.g. Instragram) or phone calls to listen to feedback and grow involvement by showing them the "behind the scenes" (e.g. of your online shop) – this will not only show personality and heart but also rise acceptance in case of delays or inconvenience.
Re-prioritize activities to enable your team to tackle current challenges but be careful not to drop strategically relevant projects that ensure your success long-term. Also you may want to keep a log of all the bugs, fails and other desasters you cannot manage to fix these days (e.g. because key people a missing due to Kurzarbeit) – this is a true (digital) stress test for your company and reveals potential to grow in a post-corona time.

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Maria Boldor

Maria Boldor