CxO Horváth study

Business Transformation Unlocked - Maximizing the Benefits of SAP S/4HANA

For our exclusive study, 200 executives from companies with an annual revenue of at least 200 million euros and at least 200 employees - across all sectors - revealed the status quo as well as specific plans for activities and investments regarding their SAP S/4HANA transformation. The detailed study results can be downloaded in the report above. 

Click here for the study!

Keyfact 1

1. Which phase of transformation are the companies in?

15 % 15 % 40 % 30 %
  Not started/Pre-Study   Concept/Design   Technical Implementation/Go-live   Run/Completed                    

Keyfact 2

2. How did the transformation go compared to the original plan?

Deviation in Quality:

41 % Very strong 24 % strong

Deviation in Schedule:

32 % Very strong 27 % strong

Deviation in Budget:

24 % Very strong 41 % strong

Keyfact 3

3. Which is the most popular transformation approach?

37 % 33 % 26 % 4 %
  Business Redesign   Catch up the Core   Silent and Fast (Selective)   Decouple (Sequential)                    

Keyfact 4

4. Do companies use external help for SAP transformation?

98 %

Keyfact 5

5. Which hosting option is the most popular?

48 % 29 % 19 % 5 %
  Private Cloud   Public Cloud   On-Premise   No reference